Sector 11
ZCZC 2021-09-14. This is yargo's. tiny presence . on sectordisk's. little garden, . maintained with. shellscripts, . git and various. editors. ^-^ . ---------------. content managed remotely through git:..$ cat sec tors.git/hooks/p ost-update.#!/bi n/sh.slist=/home /yargo/sectors.r epo=/home/yargo/ Srepo/sectors.un set $ repo.git ho exported/trun cated:.for ss in `ls $slist`.do echo $ss. cat $s s >$slist/$ss. t runcate -s 512 $ slist/$ss.done.. ---------------. more content in. sectors 111&112. NNNN .
Sector 111
ZCZC 2021-10-10. SECTOR 111 . How painfully st upid: I forgot t he password for my sectordisk ac count! :-/... Fortunately I ca n still log in t hrough private s sh keys from sev eral machines... NNNN............ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................
Sector 112
ZCZC 2021-11-07. SECTOR 112 . Feelings lately have improved. I feel to somewha t have crossed t he lowest point; now the task is to implement th e improvements i n my life I've b een thinking abo ut. . NNNN............ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................