Join Sector Disk!

Just e-mail `` requesting one or more available sectors!

Subject: New User: [username]
Hi! I'd like to reserve sectors X, Y, and Z. The e-mail I'd like to use for my account is!

Be sure to read the rules before posting content to Sector Disk!

Please know all accounts are created manually and it may take a day or two for me to respond! Keep an eye out for a response e-mail! I periodically delete accounts which never logged in.

Once your account has been created, you can log in via ssh and begin exploring the system! For a full list of Sector Disk-specific commands, either type `help` at the shell or view this page on the web.

Have fun! (Basic shell knowledge is required)


If you'd like to try out Sector Disk without creating an account (or if you'd just like to sign the guestbook), you can log in as the user "guestbook" with the password "diskman"! Read the readme file in the home directory by doing `cat README`.

Note that all sectors are first-come, first-serve. If the sectors you want are taken before I can create your account, I will let you know and you can select different ones. If you don't have a preference or you just want correctly-aligned sectors to make an image on the visual, just let me know and I'll pick the sectors for you.