Sector 1708
I'm ~peron......
I'm an individua
l interested in 
historical opera
ting systems, sy
nthesizers, anon
 communities and
 cooperative  el
ectronic communi
cation environme
As an active mem
ber of an Organi
zed Community in
 the global data
 networks, I ass
ist the Working 
Masses with the 
high goal of ach
ieving Social Ju
stice 2.0: Fair,
 Free and Sovere
ign software....
Cooperative orga
nizations have i
mplemented a fed
erated data crea
tion model and a
 service ethic..

Sector 1946
I greatly apprec
iate the greenin
g of non-commerc
ial network comm
unities. Under t
he sign of free 
computing, a Hac
ktivist Movement
 known as Fedive
rse has confront
ed the monotonou
s discourse of c
ompany-based soc
ial networks....
Since 2020 I par
ticipate in text, the
 first Unix publ
ic computing com
munity of the ti
lde type in Span
ish language....
I love to think 
about systems an
d society, and h
ow we work toget
her and make the
 best use of wha
t we have in a f
air way.........

Sector 1973
By mid-1990s, I 
was able to take
 advantage of th
e convenience of
 computerized or
ganizations. Fid
oNet and the lat
er world wide we
b - enjoyed expl
osive growth com
bining wills and
 sympathies thro
ught the datalin
ks. This was the
 miracle that no
 poet had ever d
reamed of: a mag
ic box open to a
ll the seas, to 
all the lands. T
hrough bauds all
 the discoveries
 that men had ma
de could be seen
, all their work
s of art could b
e saved from the
 ravages of Time
. Library and mu
seum data-banks 
could be piped i
nto computerized